
Soldiers DIE - Did You Know Her Name

A soldier goes over seas, leaves all they love behind for a greater cause. She was one of the first soldiers to set foot in Afghanistan, she was trusted with International assignments, was returning from India when she was ambushed in her own house. She fought her assailant, but to no avail... he overpowered her, tortured, raped,  then suffocated her, filming the deed.

His name is well known as Col. Russell Williams, but not many know her name. Her life of helping others & being the best person she could be, was brutally & disrespectfully cut short.  She didn't die overseas, she died here, just like Nathan Cirillo. A man who allowed a “drug fueled extremist maniac” to walk up & shoot him to death?  Not a very good soldier, yet everyone in the country was praising him like jesus, achieving  more hoopla than the astronauts who came back from the moon(?). 
 I ask you, who deserves to be remembered for their service..the soldier who served overseas,  whose death was after hours & hours of torture, or a guy who just stood there, where until recently no one was ever on guard (I have many personal photos taken over years of the unknown soldier, NEVER was there anyone on guard). Real sexism is alive and well, don’t you forget it...when a strong, international woman is a victim, we just add it to the list...



Why Do You Remember November 11th

     What exactly are we reminding ourselves of long dead brave men for?  Remembrance day means a lot to some people and nothing to many.  It comes with an individual feeling for each and every individual.  In that alone lies the freedom of thought, and I like to hope that that is one of things those women and men thought they were dying for.
I'm sure it wasn't to allow the bankers like J.P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company to get richer by supplying the Nazis , Italians , as well as allied forces,  then to sit back and watch them kill each other over borders that don’t exist and ideals that can’t be changed with force.  
Would they be so proud and willing to fight for those they did not know - the future generations- knowing  we let most of these ideals slip away silently, taken with false transparencies.  War has not yielded to the peaceful, even though we outnumber those who would aim to see us kill each other.

We are led to believe that the other side wants war…
they do not. 
They are led to believe we want war...
we do not...

 Just who exactly is spreading these rumours like a child who was not taught about moral manners?
It seems as though it stemmed from people who hold no governmental position, yet control the governments’ regulations... 
they have no religious beliefs but know others are willing to die for fear of them losing their choice to be religious. 
They have no allegiance to any cultural group, as they include only those few who can afford to align themselves with them.

The only way to truly honour those brave souls who thought of justice, strives for it, died for it, or lived to have nightmares for life from it, we must stop fighting each other NOW!

Today, as yesterday, we send our peacekeepers to kill, not protect, complete strangers.  
Bombs are locked into those planes we send, not security, or peace.
If you want to believe killing ideas works, take a look at our history. 
We can only reach an other renaissance of people when we realize a few things.. allow others to follow their paths as long as it does not harm anyone else, regardless of your particular beliefs. Religion has too long been the subject of conflict and killing... we have been told not to live with other nicely.  
I have never understood how one killing is deemed unacceptable, yet so many others are not only encouraged, but told it is the only way. As written by the great Public Enemy.. DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE.. we don't need to kill other peoples’ children to prove we are right about things that don’t even make sense to the average person.
A great way to learn about war is not through the politicians, or even the history books (websites). Talk to a vet, or others’ who have lived through war. Their knowledge and opinion on  the subject is paramount...
I look to a great anti war novella titled Generals Die In Bed by Charles Yale Harrison  

- listen to the war stories, put out by the NFB

- Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket is must reading too.

- Jeffery Archers’ classic novel Paths of Glory, which was later adapted by none other than Stanley Kubrick and Kirk Douglas, by the same name, shows the rules of war and how remarkably horrific it all is.


the Legacy & Legend of Bill Cooper

November 5-6, 2001...

...not much happened in the news I guess...
except for a retired naval war vet, named Bill Cooper,  father and
dog owner, was said to have shot an officer in the head while driving, on HIS own driveway back to his house, where he, himself, was shot dead. They left his slumped body there in front of his house for hours. The officer he shot, was just fine after getting shot in the head -  but I have learned through avid reading and research, that if they want you, they’ll get you and that almost nothing you read or hear from media that is involved with the government cannot be trusted in the slightest.  
The reason the US marshals were at his door, you ask?
He must have some serious offences like drug trafficking, arms dealing, child porn? (nope, those are the governments' department we all know). It was tax evasion...

He was admittedly lured out of his house on the pretense that teenagers were causing a ruckus at the end of his driveway. Bill gets in his truck to ask them to leave, as this was almost  midnight (and I can say I would have done the same).  When he sees two plain clothed men who turned out to be US marshals with guns drawn, I'm sure he knew this was the end. He gets back into his truck to return home when a police car comes out of nowhere to block his way home. Bill gets out and runs, only to be shot at least six times. His autopsy would read homicide.

He was not psychic, but it would be telling that he had made his family move away for their own safety a year before the shooting, which was labelled by the media as "a militia type local crackpot started a gunfight with agents and was taken down before anyone could get hurt…"
NOT once did they mention, he was a vet, a decorated war hero, a father, and animal lover...

It doesn't take any amount of hard research to find out he had predicted 9/11...I mean really did...osama and everything...mere weeks before Sept 11. and it was mere weeks after that, Bill was dead. 
On Nov 13 - one week later George W. signed in the war on terrorism ( In the first such act since World War II, US President signs an executive order allowing military tribunals against foreigners suspected of connections to terrorist acts or planned acts on the United States.)

All Bill ever tried to do was what he thought was right, for him, his family, neighbours & the world as a whole. He was not a terrorist, yet that was the treatment he received- shot dead, no trial, nothing, but a dummied up media chunk of fodder that made him look like they wanted him too. A dangerous gun crazy lunatic. It might not sound like a big deal until you find yourself being labelled a danger to even one person in THEIR eyes. Once you have, you are forever branded as such, put on a list, or several and governmental officers don't think twice about harassing you in your home (which legally can be taken from you at any time, along with your car, money, children, life).

On this anniversary of his death, I know that freedoms must forever be fought for, not accepted as though the ever growing governance is willing to give us any. My hopes for the future, might not happen happen in my lifetime.  
We have never really been free, but it shouldn't get you killed for trying to tell the truth. That's what tyranny is. Bill knew it & was obviously willing to die for what he believed in.  
He stood for values I agree with & I wished he would've lived long enough to see his wise words & fatherly dialect spread across the internet as it has.  He was surely a man worthy of a listen, & the best way to do that is by listening to his words & trying to understand his concern for people he didn't even know. 
All people who believe in personal freedoms must take a page from his book & NOT bow down to the tyranny of governments on the people they so easily take money, safety and lives from.

 to hear his radio broadcasts just click
there are also several you tube videos dedicated to Bill