
World Needed a Scapegoat - Nixon's the One!

   Today would have been Richard M Nixon's 102nd birthday,  people are still intrigued by him & his seemingly double life as an introvert & the president of a major world power.  When history is written by the spin doctors, have you ever wondered why some people are demonized by a war hungry media for what seems mildly distrustful, compared to some who are blatantly guilty of crimes against humanity and receive no punishment at all?  
When compared with many US presidents Nixon was actually one of the few who, during his term as president,  did not start a war, but chose to remove acting soldiers from over seas, to bring them home, as well as pardoning many draft dodgers.

Instead of thriving from backscratching secret club members, Nixon was not part of any secret club such as Skull and Bones .  Instead of his father getting him an oil company, Nixon worked at a gas station to put himself through law school.  However he did go to Bohemian Grove only to find it run & attended by disgusting perverts of whom he didn't even want to shake hands with
On his watch, we landed a man on the moon & heard the first ever phone call from the oval office to the moon (?)

Many of our generations greatest minds respected & surrounded Richard Nixon, such as Pat Buchanan who has just written another patriotic book entitled The Greatest Comeback ,  Ben Stein who worked under Nixon, always considered him a peaceful visionary.   Henry Kissinger was someone who Nixon trusted, but I don't think Kissinger was worthy of being respected by Nixon.   History looked at Kissinger as the one to look to, for peace.  Thankfully, since 1973, some have seen through Kissinger's deceit realizing his actions have caused so much death, but not many ask - was Richard Nixon being fooled by Kissinger and his terrible advice, as well?

While most politicians hide layers of secrecy, Richard Nixon actually recorded everything that was ever said in his office. It  made him seem as though he didn't like many different people, but I'm sure if any of us had everything we had said, recorded over a period of years, there would be much we had said "off the cuff" and feel different about later.
 It has to be remembered that Richard Nixon was a serious introvert, which made his debates and physical attributes seem as though he was uncomfortable....well he was.  He would have much rather spent his time with his wife, family, and friends.  Showing what a strong, intelligent person he really was, he stood up to his own insecurities about his looks and his fears, and tried to bring his country out of war.   Much of those recordings have been released as a docu/show starring the legendary Harry Shearer.

   Another case in point, is that if you look at decades of photos from US leaders they all seem to flash the goat symbol with their hand gestures, and if they were rock stars, Id say okay, but they are not.  They are supposed to be peace makers among large groups, and spokesperson for the nation.
 Nixon's hand gesture was almost always of the peace sign...

 ...no wonder he was deemed evil.  He was - to those who were trying to take over the country then, and have succeeded now, to turn the world into never ending conflicts, warring nations, and displaced ideals of the future of humans on this planet.

I'm more than aware that my opinion of Richard Nixon is not the popular one, and that I was merely a child when he was president, so my opinion is not to be the same as those who were adults living off the news reports of the time. 
 I merely have an opinion, and some curiosity about how people are deemed publicly by the media, when we all know from the playground the winner tells the tales, in his own version - and by many accounts Nixon was not a winner. 
However, he did give the US the longest sustained period of peace since WW2, but most only remember an affiliation to a cover up of a burglary from a hotel.  
To me, Nixon was a lot less worrying than a US government that now, gives citizens ever limited freedoms, massive debt, and perpetual war, but - Nixons the bad guy
 I'm with Pat & Ben ... I hope some of you can see past the spin & wake up to the peace makers who fell along the wayside of fighting against the crushing media and their pro war agendas.