
Tim Hoarders

I shall first like to start with, the fact that not one person who knows me has ever seen me WITHOUT a coffee in the last twenty years.

That being said, I have given much of my money to Tim Horton's, along with second cups, bakers dozens, sunshine Joe's, instant, gas station, or greasy spoon. I refused Starbucks for obvious reasons….and well over a year ago I began my refusal and disgust of Tim Horton's...it all became clear to me. 
Tim Hortons is not unique in its socialist ideals, that many in our free world don't seem to even realize, yet demonize other countries for being so. 
First by focusing in on a national sport and emphasizing it more than when the man was actually alive
is only one part of the brainwash...
..next comes the children..  

Easy enough to make a few millions while leaving some for the kids, when we all know deep down these charities are often too charitable with themselves & their colleagues.  When I was a kid, communities sponsored the kids no one I ever knew went to camp & we turned out just fine, so I don't believe they are really in it for the kids, or they wouldn't fire expectant mothers because they got pregnant within the 6 month probation period ...this is corporate socialism against the family unit at its finest..I don't need reference for the things I ve seen with my own eyes.

   The police being ever present are also a way of adjusting to feeling unsafe in general.  There are many jobs that are dangerous and some that seem to demand respect, but none more than our paid baby sitters, the police.  But, my friends, that is NOT why they usually get free coffee and/or doughnuts...no, it is because the man in business with Tim Horton - Ron Joyce, was a police officer for 11 years, until he bought a Dairy Queen franchise looking to get rich.  It wasn't until the real Tim Horton died, in a car accident(?), that Royce bought the whole thing off the family for a mere one million.  Royce is now worth over one billion, but if you want to still believe he's working towards communities ask why they don't make their merchandise recyclable?

So when you see a cop getting a free coffee, know its not the respect for a dangerous job, its the club uniform. They have always and will always get free coffee & donuts
..but also ask the question, why don't fireman, or those who work for hospice? They have very stressful, dangerous jobs and have rarely been accused of corruption.
Another point is to the fact of the sheer number of ads and commercials. If a product is good enough it doesn't need a hundred ads or billboards...its just conditioning you for money. 
I try to avoid mass corporations. I shop only for what and I need and usually second hand or at least local. My cigarettes are provided by the Native Canadians. I don't even like watching other people play hockey, but I am Canadian & I was raised to believe that meant something.

In my short time here on this rock, I have changed my attitude greatly, or the world has changed it for me. 

 Just like Canadian Tire is not Canadian, Tim Horton's is not either. However, my distaste came long before the takeover. 
They employ several people, you say?  
Well, if you’ve known many people who’ve worked there, it is made up of mainly part time employees, and most of us know what that means regarding hours, wages, respect, and job security (pray you don’t get pregnant in the first six months= automatic dismissal). Besides the fact that they have run most small coffee shops out of business, ergo = people lost jobs, owners lost businesses, families lost homes.
The drive thru was not invented by Timmie's, but it definitely promotes worse habits than just coffee.  
 I must also mention the situation of Tim Hortons use of palm oil . Along with destroying forests full of endangered tigers & orangutans, it has caused widespread devastation for the local communities who are having their homes demolished & their forests of food destroyed for ever increasing palm oil plantations.

It is not the only product they could use, in fact it was less expensive to fry the goods in the back of the shop, than it is to order pre cooked, half frozen, machine folded dough from a Swiss company. Remember that when you see the giant transports hauling Timmies...

 I can’t fight big business by myself, all I can do is refuse to give them my dollars & spread the word about corporatism & its failings upon the human race.  Next time just drive past, go without, bring your own or just walk from the car to talk to someone from a locally owned shop, or a restaurant & order a cup of joe to go….or sit and have it with a piece of pie. I'm sure it will taste more like real coffee than any from Timmie's, you won't be ruining the environment, you won't be giving billionaires more loonies & you could be helping people who take pride in their product, keep their small business afloat.

...plus today will be National doughnut Day in honour of the ladies of the Salvation Army, but not at Timmies ... http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/it-s-national-donut-day-but-sadly-not-in-canada-1.1315378

#boycottTimHortons has to do with the recent ads Timmies was featuring regarding the tar sands...which I'm pretty sure everyone is against...that's another blog for another day..


Theories are not just for Conspiracies & Conspiracies are Rarely just a Theory

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.   - JFK

John F. Kennedy may have been referring to Russia-cold war era, but before he was murdered by the CIA, I think he’d hoped things would never get as bad as they did here in North America..
The term conspiracy theorist is far too vague & undeservedly ridiculed.
I am a conspiracy researcher & fact checker.
I learn beyond what I am told & search for myself.
I question authority, as those in power must be kept in check.
The way those who believe in personal freedoms have been silenced, quieted by assassination.
If you are one of those who believe in the lone gunmen “theory” regarding  the murders of humane, decent leaders - JFK/MLK and the like - I ask the question... why has no lone gunman ever killed one of the “bad” guys, like Kissinger or Cheney - there are many to choose from.
It is because there never are lone gunman, there is only the CIA & the tax dollars they steal from people to control the future.

 I did hear about a theory everyone else seems to agree upon so much as to teach it in school -
its called the theory of evolution...
...or how about the theory of relativity...
and why isn't the "out of Australia" theory
as researched as the "out of Africa" theory?
these are rarely ridiculed to such a degree as those who seek alternative answers to important social issues.

Since the beginning of what we call “society” the word conspiracy was taken very seriously & referred to a group of people, usually rich, but sometimes desperately poor, who secretly meet & plan something which involved more than themselves.
It was deemed illegal - outright... not as some nut trying to convince everyone the sky is falling.  It is still against the law .  However, many have been convinced they don't even exist anymore, as if the feeling to conspire had left the human condition all together or that the wealthy didn't get there by screwing over many others to gain power...rigghht. The term conspiracy theory wasn't even used until 1909, just a few years before the first world war, hmm....

The term conspiracy theorist has been used to discredit people who want freedoms instead of over governance.  This is what government funded psychological programming has made you unwittingly believe.  Not dissimilar to the school child who knows there is no Santa Claus, yet is forced to stay quiet for the good of those who don't know yet, eventually we all become aware that there is no Santa (sorry)   If you choose to believe lies like a child waiting on the Easter bunny, continue in your lack of knowledge as you roll off to your weekly dose of spiritual enlightenment at some yoga class, wearing garments 12 yr old Indian girls slaved to make for you, but I'm the nut, right...?

I do not promote ancient aliens from the History channel or lizard people & I would never make it in politics, but I have an investment in the future.  I would like my child to live with the choices she deserves, and the ability to question what she wants without having the idea that someone is watching and collecting info.  I want to have grandchildren that aren't suffering from chemical poisoning,  but there is a more frightening possibility there might not be grandchildren because companies have been putting spermicides in plastics, for decades.
What can we do?  
We can share information, ideas and we need to scare them into silence & ridicule for their
lack of moral compass.
I'm sure many agree out there, but are fearful of social or authoritative repercussions - that is exactly what we must be vigilant against - the governments and media thrive on fear.
They are the terrorists. They are the murderers  & thieves of security & freedoms.
I don't fear being ridiculed  because I have done comedy.  The blank stare of an audience not laughing gave me strength to speak my ideas, regardless of the outcome.

My first hope is that most people are not watching or reading mainstream news anymore, as they are more like Hollywood than journalism. Alongside,  Hollywood generally encourages an underlying acceptance of bigotry.  They are the promoters of war & division that the ordinary person would never agree to, otherwise.  


Muslims are not terrorists, they are people, Christians are not righteous, they are people, Hebrews are not the world puppet masters, they are just people, Atheists are not immoral, they are just people.  People unnecessarily divided.

But there are inbred wealthy families from every ideology, who swear by no flag or country, working in conjunction for greed & spouting fake concerns for us poor people...
Please wake up to the distractions thrown at you so we can move forward to a brighter future for everyone, not just those who force us into debt slavery with interest - like it's a tangible thing, while media & authority blame the poor…. why?

Only the strongest survive is an elitists ideal, who themselves survive by being ruthless & conniving - not strong.
Some of the truly strongest people I've met are the most downtrodden in this world...that’s fact, not theory...

Next time you watch the news or a sports game or even a mainstream movie, try to imagine the fact that everyone of those advertisers' have an agenda, which is only to make money and nothing is more lucrative than war and dissidence.  
The fact they have been paying psychologists almost a century to make you think you need something you merely want, and want something you never would otherwise, and then to feel pleasure and satisfaction from said objects and purchases is getting childish and hopefully played out.

My agenda is to promote personal  freedoms & to do no harm.  I realize that I will not get rich or famous with this agenda, but it helps me to like myself.  I'm certain most people would say the same.
We need to stop being distracted by our differences and embrace them for what they are - individual idiosyncrasies and personal habits.  Nothing more.  Our differences are not worth killing for.  I was diagnosed with an acute anger disorder  & I haven't killed anyone or even harmed anyone  and trust me when I say its not always easy... but I'm also patient, I know that nature does a pretty good job of killing off everyone for us eventually.  

As I've said before - don't take my word for things, or any one's word unless you know for sure, check references & sources & connect with people from different parts of the world personally and you might see we are ALL more alike than different..
....except  for the uber wealthy, inbred, psychopathic, lizard brained military industrial complex of religious spouting banksters whose interest charging systems have bankrupt the world morally and financially, who make you feel like you can't do anything to change it...
...remember they lie for money...
you can change anything you want to when you have an open mind.
let's imagine global unity to agree to disagree on things,
not a global order that over regulates freedoms