
The Blind "binders"

witch - wicca - wise women & men.

Witches see the world far different than many would.   They see the trees talking, they sees relationships outside of the physical & they can connect dots to heal a mind towards healing a body.
Many are known as hedge witches for they garden & live in somewhat seclusion.  That is not only for to meditate & garner proper natural energies but to avoid the draining that occurs from other people, as witches tho wise, can be far too giving.
Witches are often more solitary creatures than most people, who harness energy & direction from a personal place.
They have friends, family & sometimes others in their lives who do what they do.
They do not have covens.
Coven was a word used by Christians & witch hunters (the government) to incite fear & prejudice in the 1600s when pagans gathered for their seasonal festivals.
It is a pejorative term.
History shows might say witches have covens.  The new agers, which are made up of very lost people, will promote covens, yet never realize the damage they are doing by intermingling different psyches for some form of common magic.
 I say common as an insult.
Those who call themselves witches & then form covens are lying to themselves as well as the force that created us all.  They are no more than mere satanists, for many are only interested in vanity.  Vanity is only quelled from admiration or devotion from others, hence the need for the coven, becomes obviously selfish at its core.  So is satanism.
 Witches are not satanists.
The words & meanings have been warped.  Lost over time to be picked up in the 1950s when it became "not" illegal to practice, by new agers & satanists calling themselves pagans.  They are fools attempting to fool themselves & those around them.

Now I come to reason for this description...

it has come to my attention that "witches""witch covens" worldwide are going to attempt to "bind" Trump & his followers, tonight at midnight.
At first I laughed.  Then I became worried.  Not for Trump, but for these hapless ninnies.
I would like to make a few points

1.  they intend to do this at midnight.  midnight is NOT the witching hour.  anyone with half an interest in the occult should know that.

2.  they intend to use orange candles as some reference to Trump being orange. The candle colour has its own representation.  It does not meant to resemble the intended. orange candles reflect joy, prosperity, enlightenment & is known to cleanse.

3.  many of these posts have included Trump followers & supporters, which are complete strangers to these "witches".  They intend to "bind" strangers from living their lives.  This is unacceptable & they should know that.  The fact that they don't, means they are coming from a place of anger, fear, even hatred for strangers?  As far as the universe is concerned that means they will be binding themselves three fold because of their own actions.

4.  many of these people are not only novice but completely illiterate in the occult. Training them, over a facebook post no less, to cause damage to strangers, to try to control the universe for what they call good, when they have no idea how many children have been saved just this past month since we've narrowly escaped a continuation of the age of Moloch, is truly saddening.

that is all.