
Could TRUMP be the real ARAGORN?

Frodo Baggins

"The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men."
Mary Ann Evans (aka George Eliot)

Now I am only making a correlation that I noticed in my own way, due to the reality I live in. 
I spend a few hours a day reading news, watching news, listening to radio shows and find great pleasure in this current election.  Yet I have found many people don't seem to take the time, or have only a limited news source and don't understand the importance of freedom without something to relate it too. So I have compiled something in hopes to reach anyone who generally doesn't. 

I had a thought one day, made by many others I'm sure.
The similarities between George Soros and Sauron. Regardless of the lettering they are beings who imagine themselves as more important & wiser than us little people, underhanded fingers covering all the world. Using leverage & knowledge for selfish & maniacal means. Beings who literally thrive & feed off of warfear.
There is little difference between these two.   
LOTR is not just a book. It is world with lineages and locations vast in its depths and possibly more prophetic than at first glance.

I will put into play the character of Stryder/Aragorn.
Born of a certain earned privilege. Strong family values, hard working but not sure of the direction his life would decide for him. 
Everyone around him asked him to run the kingdom - take a seat at the helm (so to speak), asked him when it would happen.  
Humbly, declining, every time. Knowing deep down there would be a time he could no longer deny his destiny as being the one who could defeat the being that was trying to take over the world in its image of burning fires and darkness for all. 
Not by defeating the darkness himself, but with many coming together from across (middle-) Earth to fight a global force of destruction, from the Riders of Rohan to the Elves of Rivendell.
 A time when the forces of darkness are capable of instantly creating tens of thousands of orcs to fight - not unlike crisis actors, MSM, war hungry NATO & UN forces and something I'd never thought would be a thing which are "paid protesters".  
It makes its numbers look disheartening to those who want freedom from decimation & hopelessness.

When Stryder/Aragorn made that decision to take the lead in the battle against darkness his sincerity was questioned. 
His honor was questioned. 
His word had to be proved.
And it was proven to be true. 
His destiny was set, and so he went forth with full force & made it happen.  
His following was not always the best of men, such as the Dead Men of Dunharrow. 
They were sometimes made up from those who did not normally get along, such as Elves & Dwarfs, but come for the common good, thanks to a strong leader who helps bring out a feeling in some that usher the idea of greatness in themselves & hope for a better future if you are willing to fight for it.
In what I have seen & read, through the decades, many have asked Trump to run for office.  He refused stating someone else could do it better. He didn't want to admit the land has become so desperate that they needed him to pull them up. 
They have & they do. 
Aragorn is no different, waiting till the world was in dire need of a king that didn't want to be king. 
Melania is as devoted to Donald as Arwen is to Aragorn & is just as beautiful.

And, for the rest of the cast - in my minds life, I have much respect for Roger Stone, as a fellow Nixonite & hater of rapists.  Like Gandalf the White, his demeanor denotes intellect & moral judgment beyond reproach. He knows the inside details of the mechanics of the global power structure - alchemy/wisdom/ability to see past time & history. He is a leader who allows others to take their quest. Then, appearing to support the fight when the time comes.

I cannot mention Roger Stone without mentioning Alex Jones. He may not like the idea of his resemblance to Boromir, whose character dies & is somehow portrayed as greedy, when in reality he is more brave & hopeful of the hearts of men, than any other character - given to the fact that he believes the Ring cannot taint the heart of a true man. He is the one who has been holding the seat of the steward of Gondor, literally at the gates of Mordor - fighting the battles for too long. Losing some along the way and seeing the devastation up close(Bohemian Grove), being ever vigilante, ever brave to opposition & true to his beliefs, regardless of the cost.  He is on the front lines, fighting for his people & the people of middle America, just as Boromir faught on the front lines for middle Earth, before joining in the quest of the Fellowship.

I think we can all agree that Bernie is Radagast in some ways, including frailty, being a bit of an oddball, he's hip with the kids & the drug thing is largely apparent. He came out of nowhere, seemed to be doing something, but didn't really do much except be an adorable old man & return back into the woods...

The next character to compare is Saruman
A very important role is to be played out by this character who was once seen to have integrity that came with the power & knowledge given. Unfortunately power corrupts. And there is no one more corrupt than , of course, Hillary Clinton.  It is more than apparent that she uses power & magic for the dark side - namely keeping George Soros happy, just as Saruman decided to take his orders from Sauron.  It was his demise, and hopefully will reflect the same upon the life of Clinton, denoting her demise in power.

In my opinion using an extensive study of Putin, he may be the one who seems able to sit at the head of the table. The Elrond of this Fellowship. He seems harsh, but obviously cares about his people, who are as good at combat at the Elves. He is also greatly misunderstood, but has been around for a longer age than any other in the realm. He knows things no one else can & has used his battles to enlighten himself regarding the forces of the world.

As for Galadriel, she is not Russian, but she is still a force to be reckoned with.  A beautifully bright, strong-willed female known as Ann Coulter.  Just as Galadriel, Coulter has the capacity to wield far more power, but chooses not to out of principle. With her knowledge she is able to show others the secrets, if we willing to look at her words, just as Galadriel asks Frodo to look into the scrying pool we only have to read Anns' books to see the underlying forces undermining our institutions.

I've likened Larry Nichols to King Theoden as he has been physically sickened by the darkness of the Clintons & the life he was forced to lead as a protector of the Clintons corruption.
In his last days he is fighting with what bit of strength he has to bring down the force that is hungry for power for immoral & selfish reasons. I do hope he lives to see the end of his enemy.

I'm not sure who in the scheme could be Gollum as many in the global cabal fit this character to a point, but Obama seems like he was changed by these forces more than creating any real change, but John Podesta or Bill Clinton also seems gross enough for me - anyone willing to give up themselves for the hint of power regardless of how much it destroys their soul.

Milo is obviously Legolas, with his strength & beauty.

Isil & much of the immigrant influx is similar to the Haradrim, being men of the sun & many faiths, yet are corrupted by Soros (Sauron) and called to war.
The Nazgul could be the kings of Saudi Arabia & the middle east or of NATO & the EU as they are often led by greed and power.

Now, just for fun - Joe Biggs is like Faramir, as he is a gentle hearted & respectful soldier / Paul Ryan is akin to Grima Wormtongue as he pretends to be good, but is not good at hiding his nasty allegiances / Gavin McInnes could be Gimli for his strength and humour / Eomer could be Paul Joseph Watson with Eowyn being Leanne McAdoo or Laura Southern even with David Knight being Bilbo. A possible Merrie & Pippin could be Stefan Molyneau & Mike Cernovich....
these ideas are really just a view of the world with characters who all seem to becoming a fellowship in thier own rights. Fellowship of the Voices...
For the two main characters of Frodo & Samwise - Nigel Farage & Marine Le Pen.  They have definitely started the roll towards anti globalism but like LOTR, they are on their own journey, in a different land...

(...as a secondary idea from my 16 yr old daughter =


I hope this blog was at least interesting, because I found these thoughts to be stuck in my head without a place to go. I get interested in finding patterns & this was just one of them I felt like sharing.

As Walter Sobchak would say “Am I wrong?”.

Frodo Baggins

"The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men."
Mary Ann Evans (aka George Eliot)

... Feb. 24, 2017... it is now a month after Trump has become president. A few things to add after the fact....

Like Gandalf, practically dying & returning after a fight with darkness - Roger Stone was admitted to hospital, almost dying from polonium poisoning. His fight with the dark side nearly ended his presence.

Like Frodo leaving on the boat, Nigel Farage has left UKIP  & traveled across the pond to America.

When Frodo could fight no longer, Samwise is the one who must be the true hero for all that is good. Underrated by many, mocked by some & driven solely by a heart that wants nothing but safety for all & hope when it seems all hope is gone.  Marine Le Pen has shown that.  Her victory from such strength will create such a crack in the force of evil, that indeed the whole mountain will come down, leaving people to live with prosperity & personal freedoms they cherish while bothering no one else. Of this I have no doubt.



 When there are groups and communities all banding together for "love" they are ostensibly disregarding anyone else who is not with them. 
They are segregationists, not global citizens. 
They are separatists and base their opinions on fractioning and factioning the differences between all of us. 
I do not have a movement or a community.  I am not a black person or gay or faith based. Are my opinions not able to come from love and understanding because I don't have a hash tag or a catchy word to label myself? 
Are my struggles in life regarding discrimination or prejudice less than someone else's?
We all live in a world filled with different people who all have different eyes, different brains and a different upbringing which should never determine who you will become, because we are all different - not just select groups. 
There are several ways the media seems to get off on disgracing one side and revering another, when both sides are equal in their so called love or hate of the world we all share.  I left facebook, because I was getting censored and found it increasingly odd how many other things I found to be lies, liable and scaremongering-violence inducing rhetoric were allowed to fly full swing - as long as it appealed to the masses of people who want to look nice or informed or progressive on social media. 

No doubt many have good intentions, yet cannot see through the veil of collectivism and the dangers it poses to free thought and discussion which is vital to how human brains grow the ability to create new ideas.

Snuffing out and blocking opposing voices because they do not fit a specific (agenda) narrative and then calling themselves "trending" is dishonest and disheartening.
Every day I wake up to things like gaygaygay and islamislamislam and gunsgunsguns and blackblackblack. And everyone has an opinion which seems to anger the other side instead of just saying OK - that's your opinion and I disagree with you. 
No biggie, right? Seems easy enough. 
The way these things seem to be shoved down everyone's throat everyday, only incites those who did care, to begin to hate and feel segregated.
Most of my life, I have spent fighting for the rights of those who were not given voices, not heard or not understood. 
I gave to peta/ greenpeace/ human rights/ civil liberties/ planned parenthood/ the envirojunkies/ the population bombers and all those things that most people didn't like to think about before the internet infiltrated honor. 
 I gave them my time, energy, concern and faith that their agenda was honest and decent
Finding out I had not paid close enough attention and been used for something that is not in everyone's best interests, is not something I wanted to have happen.
 I was happy enough not thinking too hard. 
Then one day, a single piece of the picture was revealed, then another and another, until the world that I knew was now unknown and unreal. 
Agendas are something we all have - most of us have a similar one - be happy, don't fuck with people and try to get along with others'. 
However, if you know you have agendas, why is it so hard to believe that nasty powerful, secretive people DON'T have one?

Or that their own agendas sadly would not include you.

So why let their ideas spread hatred, dismissiveness, separation, exclusionism, and victim shaming or virtue signalling? 
Why is it easier to post a meme shaming others to conform instead of actual dialogue?
Every day vegans live with billboards and ads for burgers and meat. Their cause is just, but its not "trending" to take down meat billboards.
Everyday orphans and parents who've children have died, live with watching happy families and fathers day and mothers days and all that, without being called brave or needing a movement.
Everyday left handed people are forced to conform to the masses that most (righties) would never be able to do if things reversed overnight.
Being labelled  sinister (latin),  satanist (christian),  dirty (arabic),  and mentally ill (DSM)  for the way you were born, is not describing gays - these terms are used to describe a left handed person.  
There is no movement in which we have, 
to force media to our will, even though we are 10 % of the world population. Left handers are just as full of love as gays, or muslims or blacks or anyone else in the trending section, yet we ask for no movement.  
That would be oppressive
To have every sectioned off group be able to bend the media and in turn, society to their will without exception, is not normal, or necessary. 
What is necessary is to live with each others' differences, and accept that they don't have to agree with you ALL THE TIME.  
How boring and collective that would be.

Many in these movements don't want acceptance - they want attention and praise for being born a certain way. 
Well.. too bad, I was born too, as are everyone here today. 
Everyone has all been called a name we didn't like or mistreated by someone else for an invalid reason.  
That just means you are part of the world.  
To expect everyone in the world to assume your ideals and to continually praise you is ludicrous.
And while the news spreads Orlando all over our faces daily, over a hundred women have been killed or just set on fire in Africa for witchcraft.  Not much coverage even though they were black women, but they weren't entitled Americans- they were real black African women - being torched and killed and shunned for WITCHCRAFT! 
Haven't women been persecuted for witchcraft long enough?! 
Where is the outrage and news coverage of that?  
...well of course, there wont be any, and there in lies the problem.

Just try to realize that propaganda is legal, except in Russia.
Brainwashing is the norm and believe it or not you will be told many more lies than truths.

When you see the meme for the last rhino
- take a minute, look up the numbers - there's far more than one.
When you see a meme of seals on a beach without ice - do not freak out about "global warming"-
look where and when the picture was taken - if it turns out to be in BC in August, they are trying to dupe you.
When they tell you climate change is going to cost everyone billions of dollars, when your contributions consisted of saving money by using less and being resourceful - you are being duped.
when planned parenthood tells you "its a woman's right to choose" - realize that is a slogan, to make money when there are actually free clinics available that do not talk women into drugs and ending the life of another human but offer choices like the rhythm method over polluting your body and the water table we all drink from.
(every drug you take is only partially absorbed and does not get filtered by your body, or the water dept. of your town for that matter)

why? I don't really know.

All I know is that I'm sick of listening to how brave gays are when my daughter is just as brave as any gay for not joining the damn movement,
or how much privilege I have over someone darker than me - with a husband who suicided and left me with a child to raise as a single mom.
or how non-violent muslims are, when they have a tendency to not want to grow as culture and instead use their religion as a basis for laws that contradict logic and liberties
or how many died from gun deaths, but no reports guns saving lives or about sugar deaths, or hell deaths from doctors in general.

I know it is all perspective and we all have our own, but shaming me with memes other people wrote, for not thinking the way you do, isn't helping us move forward as a race.
We need to come together not be pushed together, and it has to be honest or its hollow.
If you only use left wing or right wing you will never learn to fly
If you want every select group of the world's population dictating how the rest of the world should feel - than you have been brainwashed - I'm sorry
If you think these movements are so incredibly valid, ask why they spent so much time and money convincing you. 

Where is the special google page for brave vets who are suiciding at record numbers, or the children of war, who live braver than most adults could ever bare... 
ask yourself... 

and tell me you want to continue this special treatment of some, but not all,
 I'm moving on


Our Children Are Gay & Crazy Because There Are Too Many Drugs In The Water

That title might sound like a horrible insult, but sometimes the truth hurts.

If you honestly believe the idea that gender fluidity - on the scale we have it today, has always been just waiting for super liberals to tell us all about life, it would've happened before, and more naturally.
What is going on today is more man made than their so called "man made global climate whatever", but because companies and governments would lose money over this instead of making billions off of peoples fears for nature, this problem will not be preached to us by movie stars who try to act intelligent and concerned.

Now, don't get me wrong and assume I'm a gay hating, god fearing nut job who doesn't know where the leftist socialist agenda of depopulation is coming from ... I used to be that lsda person who got just tired of finding heavily bias deceit and to have those lies shoved down my face and the face of everyone else who didn't follow their agenda.  I was helped raised by lesbians and have a daughter who has a girlfriend.  I am also not a follower of any religion, except that of religiously loving nature - the bugs, the trees, the things liberals pretend to love, but truly hate or they wouldn't try to get rid of farmers and fishermen by driving everyone into a collective of urbanites - hell bent on making everyone do what they want, regardless of the outcome.

I am old. I was raised in a time when the young were taught by the old while the the parents worked.  I spent many of my youthful years hearing of past times of our natural seasons and biology.  Fishermen, farmers, country doctors and yes even scientists of biology were the basis for my young thoughts on our planet.
 I am from David Susuki-land.

I will start, where I started ... watching men whose lives were governed by nature, the fishermen who couldn't explain why lobsters and sea life were becoming hermaphrodites and sexless in mass numbers along coastlines, lakes and rivers.

I watched farmers loose their animals, who are more susceptible to toxins than we are - dead, just like that - poisoned from our drinking waters, spraying their crops with sludge from waste water plants, containing high levels of pollution we don't track.

Our country doctor who, at the time of my becoming a woman, asked me if I really wanted to take "the pill",  when the rhythm method has been used successfully for hundreds of years, without environmental damage.  When I asked him what he meant he stated that most of the drugs we are taking DO NOT break down in our bodies and are flushed out and INTO the water systems, which no county or place had begun trying to remove them before it comes out of our tap.
I did not take this pill.  I used the rhythm method.  I have one child which I had at age 27.  If you believe the Planned Parenthood people, they would say the rhythm method is bogus - I am proof it is not, or I would have kids up the wazoo - or out the wazoo - whatever.

A wide variety of biologists have been trying to tell people for years and no one has listened.  It is not in the MSM, or even on any kind of alternative media.  About once a year someone would write an article about pharma in our water table to be hid in the back near the corrections, which many never read either.
This is truly bigger than any disaster you can imagine when the reality hits you that our entire species, along with every other species sharing this world with us is in dire danger of being drugged, unknowingly, without consent and with the consequences being extreme mental and physical illness.

We are all aware of the toxicity of taking the wrong medication, well what about taking all medications from the whole world in your bottle and glass of water?

Our world has always continued because of one thing ... male and female. The only two forms of DNA possible to continue our world has drastically and UNnaturally been distorted and corrupted by the pharma companies who know what they are spreading, and the governments who allow it to continue unchecked and barely reported on.

Have you not noticed the insanity of regular people as of late - mass shootings, mass suicides of children, extreme racial and economic divide, complete lack of true empathy by the majority or that the rise of gender fluidity has become everyone's new religion.
 Do these people really think that all cultures and societies before us had been hiding gay kids for thousands of years, and that this is the first time anyone has been allowed to be gay or trans ... I'd ask you to look to the ancient Greek's my friend (or even the fucking movie Quest for Fire which had a gay male couple of Neanderthals).
I do believe that there are naturally occurring homosexual desires and even confusing times for every person in their life, but that is nothing compared to the reality that our lives and our children's lives are being left in the hands of people who lie for money, yet many seem to trust that they have our best interest at heart  ... really?
I knew this was coming almost 25 years ago ... when I saw fishermen pulling up lobsters of half blue half red, and the look in their eyes when it happened again, and again.
The government said it was pollution ... well just exactly what pollution was never explained, because they didn't want to scare people into not accepting the lucrative world of taking toxic drugs ... that is the pollution rarely talked about as it has little to do with bloody coral reefs - just our children, and us.

The water you drink has steroids from every athlete and cancer patient, SSRI's(anti depressants) from every kind of emotion inhibitor, estrogen from every single birth control pill and anti psychotics from every person deemed "socially fucked up".

That means all men are receiving estrogen and all women are ingesting steroids, on a daily basis - day after day - month after month - year after year.  I have been studying this for decades and saw this coming, knowing full well my daughter would likely be gay, knowing full well there was little I could do to stop it, because frankly no one wants to believe this is happening, but the proof is in the pudding.
This generation of humans is more feeble, more mentally frail, and downright unhealthy compared to any generation before them ... you can only blame watching tv and playing video games so much before you realize that those things have nothing to do with genetically altering our future without consent or concern.

 I will link to some articles and also some google search pages for further reading - pick and choose your own sources.. they all say the same thing ... this situation is environmentally and spiritually dangerous and should get more coverage than it does....

Harvard 2011- Drugs in the Water

Leah Eisenstadt - Environment and Nature

BigThink - adding drugs to the drinking water (on purpose)

ResearchGate - Occurrence of Pharma and Hormones in Drinking Water

or choose your own sources  - pharma water pollution
                              - SSRI's in the water

 - and just for an added point about pharma drugs, from someone who has been labelled everything from sociopathic, delusional, acute anger disorder, bi polar, paranoid to just downright crazy from people who read the DSM like it was the bible, all told me I must take their drugs to make me "normal" (of which there are dozens to try, which might not work, so I could just try others that might not work and I won't be able to stop taking without massive withdrawl symtoms).  I chose never to take and - in turn they promptly told me to leave their office ...which means if I'm not willing to take their drugs - they have no use for me and no way to "help" me.
It is all a con to make everyone phobic and "wrong",  leading to people feeling they are not responsible for their own actions and emotions, and we as a society of communities who should care don't have to help anyone. Just put a bandage on it to mask the pain, not fix the pain...
they can all go to whatever hell exists as far as I'm concerned.

The hippocratic oath for doctors today is to hypocritically doctor your health ...