
Our Children Are Gay & Crazy Because There Are Too Many Drugs In The Water

That title might sound like a horrible insult, but sometimes the truth hurts.

If you honestly believe the idea that gender fluidity - on the scale we have it today, has always been just waiting for super liberals to tell us all about life, it would've happened before, and more naturally.
What is going on today is more man made than their so called "man made global climate whatever", but because companies and governments would lose money over this instead of making billions off of peoples fears for nature, this problem will not be preached to us by movie stars who try to act intelligent and concerned.

Now, don't get me wrong and assume I'm a gay hating, god fearing nut job who doesn't know where the leftist socialist agenda of depopulation is coming from ... I used to be that lsda person who got just tired of finding heavily bias deceit and to have those lies shoved down my face and the face of everyone else who didn't follow their agenda.  I was helped raised by lesbians and have a daughter who has a girlfriend.  I am also not a follower of any religion, except that of religiously loving nature - the bugs, the trees, the things liberals pretend to love, but truly hate or they wouldn't try to get rid of farmers and fishermen by driving everyone into a collective of urbanites - hell bent on making everyone do what they want, regardless of the outcome.

I am old. I was raised in a time when the young were taught by the old while the the parents worked.  I spent many of my youthful years hearing of past times of our natural seasons and biology.  Fishermen, farmers, country doctors and yes even scientists of biology were the basis for my young thoughts on our planet.
 I am from David Susuki-land.

I will start, where I started ... watching men whose lives were governed by nature, the fishermen who couldn't explain why lobsters and sea life were becoming hermaphrodites and sexless in mass numbers along coastlines, lakes and rivers.

I watched farmers loose their animals, who are more susceptible to toxins than we are - dead, just like that - poisoned from our drinking waters, spraying their crops with sludge from waste water plants, containing high levels of pollution we don't track.

Our country doctor who, at the time of my becoming a woman, asked me if I really wanted to take "the pill",  when the rhythm method has been used successfully for hundreds of years, without environmental damage.  When I asked him what he meant he stated that most of the drugs we are taking DO NOT break down in our bodies and are flushed out and INTO the water systems, which no county or place had begun trying to remove them before it comes out of our tap.
I did not take this pill.  I used the rhythm method.  I have one child which I had at age 27.  If you believe the Planned Parenthood people, they would say the rhythm method is bogus - I am proof it is not, or I would have kids up the wazoo - or out the wazoo - whatever.

A wide variety of biologists have been trying to tell people for years and no one has listened.  It is not in the MSM, or even on any kind of alternative media.  About once a year someone would write an article about pharma in our water table to be hid in the back near the corrections, which many never read either.
This is truly bigger than any disaster you can imagine when the reality hits you that our entire species, along with every other species sharing this world with us is in dire danger of being drugged, unknowingly, without consent and with the consequences being extreme mental and physical illness.

We are all aware of the toxicity of taking the wrong medication, well what about taking all medications from the whole world in your bottle and glass of water?

Our world has always continued because of one thing ... male and female. The only two forms of DNA possible to continue our world has drastically and UNnaturally been distorted and corrupted by the pharma companies who know what they are spreading, and the governments who allow it to continue unchecked and barely reported on.

Have you not noticed the insanity of regular people as of late - mass shootings, mass suicides of children, extreme racial and economic divide, complete lack of true empathy by the majority or that the rise of gender fluidity has become everyone's new religion.
 Do these people really think that all cultures and societies before us had been hiding gay kids for thousands of years, and that this is the first time anyone has been allowed to be gay or trans ... I'd ask you to look to the ancient Greek's my friend (or even the fucking movie Quest for Fire which had a gay male couple of Neanderthals).
I do believe that there are naturally occurring homosexual desires and even confusing times for every person in their life, but that is nothing compared to the reality that our lives and our children's lives are being left in the hands of people who lie for money, yet many seem to trust that they have our best interest at heart  ... really?
I knew this was coming almost 25 years ago ... when I saw fishermen pulling up lobsters of half blue half red, and the look in their eyes when it happened again, and again.
The government said it was pollution ... well just exactly what pollution was never explained, because they didn't want to scare people into not accepting the lucrative world of taking toxic drugs ... that is the pollution rarely talked about as it has little to do with bloody coral reefs - just our children, and us.

The water you drink has steroids from every athlete and cancer patient, SSRI's(anti depressants) from every kind of emotion inhibitor, estrogen from every single birth control pill and anti psychotics from every person deemed "socially fucked up".

That means all men are receiving estrogen and all women are ingesting steroids, on a daily basis - day after day - month after month - year after year.  I have been studying this for decades and saw this coming, knowing full well my daughter would likely be gay, knowing full well there was little I could do to stop it, because frankly no one wants to believe this is happening, but the proof is in the pudding.
This generation of humans is more feeble, more mentally frail, and downright unhealthy compared to any generation before them ... you can only blame watching tv and playing video games so much before you realize that those things have nothing to do with genetically altering our future without consent or concern.

 I will link to some articles and also some google search pages for further reading - pick and choose your own sources.. they all say the same thing ... this situation is environmentally and spiritually dangerous and should get more coverage than it does....

Harvard 2011- Drugs in the Water

Leah Eisenstadt - Environment and Nature

BigThink - adding drugs to the drinking water (on purpose)

ResearchGate - Occurrence of Pharma and Hormones in Drinking Water

or choose your own sources  - pharma water pollution
                              - SSRI's in the water

 - and just for an added point about pharma drugs, from someone who has been labelled everything from sociopathic, delusional, acute anger disorder, bi polar, paranoid to just downright crazy from people who read the DSM like it was the bible, all told me I must take their drugs to make me "normal" (of which there are dozens to try, which might not work, so I could just try others that might not work and I won't be able to stop taking without massive withdrawl symtoms).  I chose never to take and - in turn they promptly told me to leave their office ...which means if I'm not willing to take their drugs - they have no use for me and no way to "help" me.
It is all a con to make everyone phobic and "wrong",  leading to people feeling they are not responsible for their own actions and emotions, and we as a society of communities who should care don't have to help anyone. Just put a bandage on it to mask the pain, not fix the pain...
they can all go to whatever hell exists as far as I'm concerned.

The hippocratic oath for doctors today is to hypocritically doctor your health ...  


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