
Its Called Pollution & Geo-Engineering - NOT Global Climate Whatever

For this entry I will not state references because there is too much discrepancy and too many articles that have so called "science" on their side, when in reality there are too many scientists who have been fired and silenced for telling the truth and too many paid scientists who fudge their results to help create a fearfulness of the Earth changing.

When did change become a frightening word?  When politicians pay scientists to scare everyone to make them feel more needed to help the lowly average public...and most of us lapped it up because we actually care about nature.

For tens of thousands of years, our race evolved, invented, changed our existence, yet didn't have the power to change the mother who feeds us - Earth.
In just a short period of "time" our interests & curiosity has outweighed our knowledge of the universal mysteries, to create a reality where we can & do alter the Earth, assuming we know best.  All the while saying the Earth can heal itself, but screaming we are all killing it & going to die at the same time...?
We believe that we have the power to destroy all life, yet seemingly take no responsibility to think it makes a difference, yet every year, there is a new "Chicken Little" with a new fear to spread to the many who take others words for things without really looking into anything at all.

For most of my adult life I have been hearing about global warming, climate change (as if that was something the Earth had not done before), and a soon to be implemented carbon tax for humans.  Not likely for the ones who can not only afford it, but most likely cause more pollution than the average middle class.  I never understood how Gore could preach at people about the planet being in danger of us, while he flies around on jets (a major contributor of pollution) on a more than frequent basis, or how Gates can persuade others to give up the joy of parenthood, while he breeds himself a clan. These people are phonies and remember - they lie for money.

After picking up a book at a train station called the Population Bomb by Dr. Paul Ehrlich when I was 13, it was then that I decided not to have children - as a duty to the planet I love, I thought.  I have never been so happy to be wrong, for my daughter is what makes my life fruitful.
That same "doctor" has just released a paper stating the sixth extinction is occurring- because of humans & our climate change.  His predictions in the Population Bomb were dead wrong & I would like to state his findings for this new fear mongering is also wrong.
 Many species are dying off- the rhino and elephant for starters (due to excessive poaching- not climate), as well as many simple base lifeforms we need to complete a regular ecosystem - due to PESTICIDES - not climate change.  However, they neglect to mention the hundreds of new species being discovered & evolving everyday on this planet.
Life does that,
it grows, changes, adapts.
Just as it has done for the hundreds of millions of years it has been continuing on this giant rock made from star stuff full of everything we could ever need to exist.  I do not believe we know the complete story of the consequences of our acts of pollution we have doled out to this world,  I am certain it is effecting life as we know it, nature is losing in many places - due to pollution, and I will continue to repeat that word, because it seems to have been lost in the psyop known as global warming & climate change.
Those phrases were designed.
Not by environmentalists, but by advertisers.
To sell you something...sell you everything they want to...
hybrid cars, made by oil based products, in factories fueled by oil...
alphabet agencies telling you whats safe or not, when they kill without any recompense
police forces to implement unjust laws on the middle class for the sake of the environment, the collective...

I am here to pose a question.
 The world of the dinosaurs has been shown to be lush, full of life so elaborate and vast, yes?
How did the creatures then, survive without polar ice caps ?

If we are to believe the MSM and wealthy politicians, the world will become water world, no land, no fresh water, millions dead( like that would be any different than right now), life as we know know it would be over! My goodness, the polar bears! Any good research will show that polar bears existed before the ice age- when it was dramatically warmer than even today. Maybe there is another species waiting to take the place of the polar bear, the way we mammals did when the lizards began to die off. Is that really our decision to make?

If warming is going to destroy the planet then why have geologists worldwide studied the effects of polluting Mars to terraform it - to cause warming, creates life - science 101.

Imagine if there were environmentalists when the ice age was starting..would they blame everyone discovering fire as the cause for the Earth needing to cool itself?
What about the fact that most of the ice on the planet is landlocked which means it will create new lakes and rivers, where once there was but a trickle.

Or that the release of ice from Greenland and Antarctica would most likely cause those masses of land to grow and rise, creating more available living space.
If the amount of water on the planet is the same- no more no less, then how can we assume we will be under water when we have never all been under water before. In fact we are losing water to pollution and fracking, and pharmaceutical contamination.

To put it simply - the fact that the Earth is going to do what it has always done- change.
It is the basis for everything in the universe, not just here. And if you cant deal with change, you probably have many personal issues.

The first organisms on Earth expelled oxygen, they died off - too much oxygen in the air and they choked, creating a new world, where algae and fungus could thrive. A world where plants existed without bees (- another fallacy promoted by MSM and wealthy scientists who are not interested in the whole story, but instead distract us from looking for ourselves). Then the grasses came and drove out many other plants, the reptiles thrived and died to give way to us. Maybe we must one day make way for something new as well. Nature adapts, and we are nature, so in turn should we not adapt the way our ancestors did when the Earth began to cool, or even when it began to warm, again?

I'm not going to say we are not ruining a good portion of nature because of human excess.  Bio engineering  is practically in every facet of life here, now.  But I don't think its the way they are describing the reality we actually all share.  There will always be death & rebirth of creatures & plants & shorelines.
 I can see the tragedy of displacement to the peoples effected by the earths natural changes. What we must do is stop blaming john q public for everything & decide how we will be able to house & feed those displaced, just like in the event of a hurricane, or flood normally.

The future of Life on this planet as we know it WILL change, but to cry it will disastrous if we don't throw more millions into it, is just ludicrous, when we all know what the problems are.  I'm not denying there is a climate, I'm denying the scare tactics and distraction used to help fuel confusion about the true cost of pollution, the idea we cause it but cant fix it ourselves. Distractions like fueling every one's rage at the lack of ice for the walruses in southern Alaska in AUGUST, instead of maybe talking about the human problems like arctic permafrost melt that makes fire come out of faucets with the release of methane normally trapped. There are down right lies told to the public so that the already wealthy can cash in on disaster. 

I realize there are new things going on on this planet, but with the exception of farmers, we have only been recording the weather for just over a hundred years, and are far from knowing the true secrets of carbon dating, or understanding and predicting weather, and when there's a price tag attached to it, you can't believe any of it, unless you've seen it yourself.  

Considering we live a third of the age of the average tree, we have to admit we know very little about the planet we simultaneously seem to love and loathe...to be honest, I would love to have a longer garden growing season if Ontario became as warm as South Carolina, and as a Lovecraft reader, I have a serious curiosity to see what lies under the ice of Antarctica... just saying, its better to be prepared for the worst instead of expecting it. 

There is one organizatioin that I would direct people to is ATWA 


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